
Milk is an important part of our diet. We begin drinking it when we are young, but our intake decreases as we get older. Some people shy away from it because they fear that it will add too much fat to their diet. Others leave it out because they believe that they no longer need it. You are never too old to reap the rewards of drinking milk. It is a great source of vitamins and nutrients.

Several health benefits, such as

  • Glowing Skin
  • Healthy Bones and Teeth
  • Muscles
  • Weight Loss
  • Less Stress
  • Healthy Body
Organoleptic Test   Free from any objectionable flavour, odour, and pleasant in taste.
Temperature (Maximum)   7 ºC
Milk Fat, min   6.0%
SNF, min   9.0%
Titratable Acidity%(As lactic acid)
Before Boiling minimum   0.099
Titratable Acidity difference %
Before Boiling & after boiling max.   0.027
Adulterants   Negative
Neutralizer   Negative
B.R. Reading at 40 ºC   40-43
pH   6.50 - 6.90
Preservatives   Absent
MBRT, min   4.45 hrs.
SPC/g Max   <30,000
Salmonella/g   Absent
Shigella/g   Absent
S.aureus/g   Absent
Yeast & Mold/g   Absent
Anaerobic Spore Coount/g   Absent
L.monocytogens/g   Absent
Phosphatestest   Negative